Teaching Through a SLUMP

Hello, friends! My name is Jenna, and I like to learn, make, connect, and share things. Before spring break, I was drowning. I had a student teacher who was relying on me to show them how to teach. I create the details of my lesson plans the day before so that I can use data from that day to inform the next day's instruction. I send messages every day to families with a daily breakdown of how many minutes their 2nd-grader completed each required program. I was facing the comparison monster, and I was feeling like I was a complete failure. Despite those feelings, I pushed on. I was able to make it through because I have a clear self-care emergency plan for when I'm feeling this way. Here are a few ways I took care of myself and made it through a tough week. 1. Bubble baths I like essential oils, (lavender is my favorite.) I also throw some coconut oil in the water. My skin gets very dry, so dry brushing and putting oil in a bubble helps. I also really like lots of bubbl...