A Real Time Work Log

I have a rolodex brain. I can start a task and then get lost in seventeen other tasks. So, I decided to open this blogpost because I am curious how long it will take me to prepare for a new idea for centers.

My students are able to rotate independently. I started with playdough, coloring, cut and paste, lego bricks, free drawing and the like. I slowly incorporated academic centers. (I have ideas for doing this better next year so students can feel more successful sooner.)

So now, I'm deciding to formalize centers and tracking with the Daily5 idea. So, I'm going to start the research now. 

It's 12:12pm. I'll let you know how it goes!

The Daily 5 Cafe Structure

Read to Self Center
- Picture books from read alouds

- Library/Book nook 
I have a few plastic floor-seats and some patio furniture pillows students use when they visit the library. I'm realizing now that I had better spend some time making the organization of the library very clear with labels, or students won't be able to pack up and organize the books before they leave. Maybe I only pull out a tub of books at a time, so they don't have to worry about cleaning up too much.

- Big Books from curriculum
We have giant books that are pretty to look at and fun to read. The novelty of the size is a quick acess point.

Reading to Someone Center

- Guided Reading Group

Students are already meeting with me! 

Work on Writing Center

- Writing with Maddie

The truth is, I've been upstaged by a cow puppet for a few years now. I use a puppet and my phone to make quick daily videos. The puppet reads their writing and then asks for help editing. I have the physical writing and the students edit it on a schedule so everyone gets a chance. 

In addition to that usual writing procedure, I will create videos of Maddie writing letters neatly. I will begin this with handwriting since we do writing every day. 

Listen to Reading 

- Epic! On Ipad

I do not have a full set of any device, and I have a personal iPad. I will create a playlist to match with physical books. Students can choose which book to read along with. This will be great because I want to reward their Epic! progress!

- Read Aloud

I have a lovely daily classroom volunteer, and I know the kids love hearing adults read. 

Word Work

Time to be super real - I'm going to hit the easy button on this one:

- Lexia

Since I don't have a set of Chromebooks, I can use the ones I have as a shared group bank. Lexia is heavy into word work, phonics, and building literacy. 

It is 12:36 and I have completed my plan. I took elements of the Daily 5 that I got from the website mentioned above. I had already done some work with Daily 5, and some research, so I was familiar with the elements and design. I already have my students organized into 5 groups - serendipity!

I have been wanting to structure more student discussion, and reading partners will be a great way to do that. I even have super cute, colorful cards that guide students through paired reading. 

I feel like I'll be formalizing some procedures and practices I have been meaning to get to.


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