Choice Boards, Hyperdocs, and Conferences

One of the dangers that I face as a teacher is I learn and forget a whole bunch of stuff every year. For example, there is, somewhere out there, about three different blogs full of my writing...somewhere out in the ether. I used to blog what I learned in detail during conferences so I would never forget what I learned. Little did I know I could forget entire things - like spending hours and hours writing blog posts. As I face the second to last week of school, I feel ironically energized and ready. My report cards are done, but now, the cumes aren't - but that is another story. One of the things I forgot, and forget over and over and over again, is a small-group alternative to provide targeted practice for each student while calling over either one or two students, or entire small groups to reinstruct a targeted skill. Because this style of instruction can be nebulous to try and nail down, I've found that having a grade sheet on a clipboard, a notebook, some labels, and some...