
Showing posts from June, 2022

Shame of Overwhelm

 I can do it all. I can take it. I can carry this burden. I can find blessing in adversities.  Although all of these things sound really nice. Like all nice things, they come at a price. Still, I practice looking for "the robins, not the crows."* I had begun to chase inauthentic targets. I spent my energy recklessly. I woke up one day a few years ago and found that I had lost my path. I was on a  path, but I knew it wasn't mine. I was lost. When I realized how much I spent worrying about chasing the wrong target, I shifted. I went into a chrysalis of isolation. Even though I was very used to being the center of attention in my personal life (theater kid, and even though I love conferences and learning, I felt like an imposter every time someone paid me a compliment. I still squirm at and deflect the very thing that I crave from my peers; acceptance.  (total cringe confession, I literally wrong a poem about wanting to be accepted by my peers - in middle school. ) When...