
Showing posts from July, 2023

Why I Stopped Creating Content

TLDR: I stopped creating because I felt like I wasn't good enough. Now, I want to start again, and this Pinterest-Perfect teacher content is giving me lots of opportunities to practice the skills of self-confidence. People create for a variety of reasons. I created to share.  What I needed, was to create and explore for ME, not for the intention of sharing with others. I was sharing my thoughts, my healthy journey progress and process, my tips and tricks, and what I learned. There can be a problem with making yourself visible, especially if you've suffered any kind of painful rejection from your peers in your formative years, if you suffer with intrusive thoughts, or if you are dealing with the very normal, human, and devastating practice of comparison . "Comparrison is the theif of joy." - quote investigator  (uncertain)   When I started engaging with teacher communities online, it was a refreshingly vulnerable place to be. Humans were sharing LESSON details, CONTENT...